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PATBQ, measure it to manage it

The Programme d'analyse des troupeaux de boucherie du Québec (PATBQ), an investment that pays off !


The "Programme d'analyse des troupeaux de boucherie du Québec" (PATBQ) software

The PATBQ cattle herd analysis software is a herd management and analysis tool contributing to genetic improvement as well as productivity and profitability of purebred or commercial farms, by dissemination of genes that improve traits targeted by the beef sector.

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PATBQ software navigation help

The PATBQ software has many features allowing breeders to:

  • Access personalized herd information

  • Evaluate herd performance

  • Validate selection goals

The support team, as well as several documents, are available to assist producers in learning about the software's functions.

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Performance comparisons between herds

Using the PATBQ tool, beef cattle producers can easily compare themselves to all breeders registered to the PATBQ in their region or in the province. An exhaustive database provides access to precise and objective information, which is used to follow the herd performance evolution year after year, and compare with others PATBQ herds.

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Ultrasound measurements

In beef cattle, ultrasound images provide valuable information to producers on economically important traits such as loin eye area measurement, back fat thickness, intramuscular fat percentage and rump fat thickness.

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In-station and on-farm genetic evaluations in bulls

The PATBQ plays a key role in the genetic evaluation of young purebred bulls, tested both in multisource bovine breeding centers (stations), and directly in farms.

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Bovi-Expert Group

The Bovi-Expert Group experts provide beef cattle services for breeders in their genetic improvement objectives and breeding monitoring.

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Useful documents

Useful documents for producers performing genetic selection or interested in becoming a PATBQ member.

PATBQ - 10 reasons to join

Hesitating to join the PATBQ? Here are 10 reasons to convince you to use the Programme d'analyse des troupeaux de boucherie du Québec as a tool to support you in the genetic improvement and technical monitoring of your herd (English version to follow)


EPDs - Abbreviations and terminology

This document presents the names and abbreviations of EPDs frequently encountered in beef production (French and English)


Letter corresponding to the year of birth

Letter corresponding to the year of birth (international code)


Codes for the main breeds

This document presents the codes for the main breeds of beef cattle present within the PATBQ


Measuring hip height

Visual showing the targeted location on the animal to perform the hip height measurement


Forms of scrotum

Visual presenting the three forms of scrotum regularly encountered in bulls.


Mammary gland

Visual chart presenting the types of conformations sought or to be avoided for the mammary system (suspension and teats).


Conformation of feet and legs

Visual chart presenting the desired or avoided conformations for front and hind legs, pasterns and hooves.


% of polled calves

Table showing the% of aceric calves expected according to the genotype and the phenotype of the parents.


Ultrasound measurements in beef cattle

This video shows on-farm ultrasound measurements on a beef cattle. The data and genetic values ​​resulting from ultrasound measurements allow the purebred breeder to make an efficient selection of improving subjects for the different traits measured.