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Thematic video clips related to advisory services and management points in beef production

By means of video capsules, with one theme per capsule produced, the project will promote knowledge sharing on consulting services and points of management in cattle production, to potential successors in consulting services in beef cattle production, in order to improve the knowledge and skills of all front-line advisers and ensure the sustainability of the services offered by the advisers who are members of the Bovi-Expert Group.
Project carried out in collaboration with the Bovi-Expert Group.

The theme of each capsule will be distinct and will make it possible to insert information on a multitude of facets of beef cattle production and on the role of the advisor, in order to arouse the interest of the next generation in this field (ex: feed/grazing, animal/equipment handling, technical and economic management, health/biosecurity, animal welfare/housing, conformation, reproduction, genetics, etc.).

More specifically, the targeted objectives are:

  • Promote the sharing of cutting-edge expertise between advisors specializing in beef cattle (members of the Bovi-Expert Group) and beginners acting as potential successors in consulting services (trainees in consulting services students in agronomy, students of Cégep, ITA agricultural vocational training centers) as well as other general advisers (stakeholders in related fields of practice)

  • Improve access to knowledge through specialized training (one capsule = one theme) accessible at all times.

Implementation schedule

July 2021 to August 2022

Video capsules produced and links to Youtube (in French):

21 information video capsules on different production themes were produced (see the list below, in French).


Centre de développement du porc du Québec inc.


Bovi-Expert Group

Available video capsules

The document below presents all the  available videos capsules, classified by production themes. Download it, all the links are active and will direct you to our Youtube channel. 
The main target audience is for information only.

Thank you to our financial partners!

This project is funded through the Programme services-conseils under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, an agreement between the governments of Canada and Quebec.